Huele Feo en la Junta Escolar

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

La gente de New Rochelle no tienen la seguridad de que sus empleados públicos están siendo contratados, promovidos y pagados sobre la base del mérito y la aptitud que la ley estatal ha requerido por mas de 126 años. El incidente más reciente relacionado con un extensión de empleo un una persona en el ámbito de seguridad, la Junta de Educación ha arrojado luz sobre las graves deficiencias en este sistema y ahora se ha convertido en la necesidad a solicitar la asistencia de Nancy Groenweger, la Comisionada del Estado de Nueva York que maneja la Función de Empleados Públicos. Como lo hizo con su investigación y conclusiones de la Ciudad de Long Beach a principios de este año, se darán cuenta de que el sistema en New Rochelle está roto. Como ex consejero legal de Asociación de Juntas Escolares del Estado de Nueva York , que sin duda se sentirá ofendida por las maquinaciones de la Junta de Educación de New Rochelle. Es un sistema diseñado para que amigos y conocidos sean contratados a pesar de su incompetencia, pero lo más importante son hojeando la nariz en el mismo proceso que se supone que es justo y transparente. Para nosotros en la comunidad obrera de New Rochelle, especialmente los latinoamericanos, sabemos muy bien que ese sistema nuca a favorecido a nosotros. Es una mafia para el beneficio de gente que no es latina. Para que la Junta de Educación sea parte de este esquema oneroso o ser engañados por sus dirigentes legales o de director de recursos humanos es una vergüenza. Vamos a esperar nuevas instrucciones de nuestra queja en Albany.

11 thoughts on “Huele Feo en la Junta Escolar”

    1. La Charla
      Welcome to La Charla, we have added a Spanish language section to the site called “La Charla de New Rochelle” for those who prefer to read the site in Spanish.

      For those who do not speak Spanish, you can get a rough translation by copying the text and then using the Google Translate button in the middle of the home page.

      Buena Suerte!

      1. I would be nice if the writer
        I would be nice if the writer did both instead of mostly every one else using the Google Translate, but hey that just me

      2. You are not the audience for this author
        If you do not understand Spanish and not are part of the Latino community you are not really the audience the author is seeking to reach.

        While you are still welcome to translate the article and read it and while there are no limits to the topics that can be covered in La Charla (so long as they are about New Rochelle), the purpose of La Charla is to have a Spanish-language section of the site where the Latino community can have their own dialog on issues impacting the Latino community in their own language.

        Generally, I will not promote the articles (just as I do not promote every article from other sources on other topics) but from time to time I will promote articles of note and/or to raises awareness of that section of the site.

        I am sure readers skip over stories that do not catch their interest for whatever reason — even I do not read every word published on the site and its my site! So, if you find the occasional article or comments in Spanish to be troublesome just blur over them and go to the next item.

      3. LA CHARlA section?
        Mr Cox wrote, “If you do not understand Spanish and not are part of the Latino community you are not really the audience the author is seeking to reach.”

        Then post it in the LA CHARlA section not the main page. hum is it really a section? or all tied into the main page?

        you say it’s in a section so why is it on the main page? should it be in the LA CHARlA section?

        If it’s in the main section, that is not a section then It would be nice (as in It would be nice) to post as both instead of having to translate it.

      4. you are easily confused
        EVERY article on the site is “tagged” with a category or multiple categories. Those tags are then used to serve up the article in particular sections based on those categories — sports, education, technology, etc. See the pull down menu above called “sections”.

        From all of the articles posted and tagged for all of the various sections I select articles each to “promote” to the “front page”.

        As editor I select those articles that I wish to feature in a given day. I rely on my own good judgement in making those selections. If you don’t like it then by all means go start your own site and you can promote what stories suit you.

        As for the Spanish language posts, it would not be nice to translate each and every post into English just as I do not wish to translate each and ever post into French or Italian or Portuguese or Haitian Creole. It is why I have integrated Google Translate into the site. While hardly perfect a visitor who would like to read the site in those languages can do so with one click.

        English is the base language set in the software and Google Translate can only be used to translate from the base language to other languages. I picked several languages that are are used by some residents of New Rochelle (and if I come across others I will add them too). If it were possible I would do the reverse for these languages but the software does not work that way.

        At the same time, New Rochelle has a large Spanish-speaking community. I want to encourage residents in that community to have their own corner of the site to communicate in their preferred language. If I find that there is demand from other communities in other languages I will consider adding additional sections.

        Now, as I mentioned previously, I will from time to time promote a Spanish-language story to the front page for the purpose of raising awareness of the fact that we have a Spanish-language component called “La Charla de New Rochelle”. That means that from time to time readers may see stories on the front page written in Spanish.

        If that offends you are other readers please rest assured that I do not give a damn and am not the least interested in your opinions on this matter, your suggestions or a list of your preferences. If you do not like it please feel free to bugger off at any time.

        Hasta la vista!

      5. (as in It would be nice)
        (as in It would be nice) doesn’t have to be, and I never said I was offended by it!.

        If your putting it on the main page then could you also put it in English language also,It would be nicer to have one person do it rather then hundreds as English language is the most used here, NOT every story but the ones on the main page

        That would broaden the writers audience, you posted before to skip over them, Why?? if they are put on the front page then there meant to Be seen and must be of Importance.

        Take the time to help your reader not ditch them

        You can make a crumb it to a loaf of bread

      6. The answer is no.
        I am not the slightest bit interested in your opinion on this matter. I understand your point. I do not agree. Get it? Sheesh.

        I am not interested in “broadening” an audience for some contributor. If they want to write in Spanish they can. If they want to write in English they can. If they want to do both they can. What’s so hard to understand about this. I don’t tell you what to write in your comments, do I? So let people write about what they want, they way that they want, in the language they want.

        As you still seem confused on this, let me reiterate that this is not some oversight on my part or a failure to consider you or readers who share your view or some casual decision. I intentionally, purposely want to have content on the site that is written only in Spanish without translation. I want to make those who prefer to read/write in Spanish feel welcome on this site just as English speakers are welcome and this is how I have chosen to do it. It is part of my strategy for the site. Given this, pointing out ways to not do what I intend is remarkably pointless.

        You wrote: “if they are put on the front page then there meant to Be seen and must be of Importance.”

        So now your a mindreader too?

        Anyone can contribute to the site. The one editorial prerogative that I have is what content gets featured through promotion to the front page. You have no idea why I chose to feature a particular story. Again, if this is so vexing to you then by all means go start your own site otherwise deal with it.

      7. just thought it would be
        just thought it would be nice!
        but if you don’t care a bout your reader that’s your call

    2. Spanish to English
      By Martin Sanchez

      Spanish to English translation
      The people of New Rochelle are not sure that public employees are being hired, promoted and paid based on merit and aptitude that state law has required for over 126 years. The most recent incident related to an extension of employment by a person in the field of security, the Board of Education has shed light on the serious deficiencies in this system and now has become the need to seek the assistance of Nancy Groenweger the Commissioner of the State of New York that manages the Role of Civil Servants. As he did with his research and findings of the City of Long Beach earlier this year, they will realize that the New Rochelle system is broken. As a former legal adviser School Boards Association New York State, which no doubt will feel offended by the machinations of the Board of Education of New Rochelle. It is a system designed for friends and acquaintances be hired despite their incompetence, but more importantly are thumbing his nose in the same process that is supposed to be fair and transparent. For us working in the community of New Rochelle, especially Latin Americans, know very well that this system favored the neck to us. It is a mafia for the benefit of people who are not Latino. For the Board of Education is part of the scheme consideration or being deceived by their leaders legal or human resources director is a shame. We will await further instructions from our complaint in Albany.

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