New Rochelle Business Has Windows Smashed

Written By: Talk of the Sound News


The Golden Krust Restaurant located at 10 Anderson street had a front plate window broken and a front door glass broken Thursday night after two males had a fight in front of the restaurant.

New Rochelle police were on the scene quickly and caught the suspects who were believed to be related.

The person who was smashed against the door and the window paine suffered a deep cut to the arm and was rushed to sound shore medical center.

There was a large amount of blood on the sidewalk area outside the restaurant and also in the restaurant table area.

The New Rochelle Fire Department was requested to the scene for a wash down.
New Rochelle Po;ice estimate the damage to be in the $2000.00 range.



2 thoughts on “New Rochelle Business Has Windows Smashed”

  1. It is unfortunate that the
    It is unfortunate that the local business owners have to suffer because people act like animals. Now the owner of the golden crust will have to cough up 2grand and knowing that this stuff happens there means that they may not get as much business because who would want to eat at a place that is known for having fights near it? People should think how their actions are going to effect others.

    1. That’s just it…
      jvw524…That’s just it…No one cares or has any respect for themselves or anyone else.

      You are right, people act like animals. New Rochelle has become a real jungle and is unsafe.

      I cannot believe what has happened to New Rochelle or better yet, how City Hall has escaped an internal investigation.

      The only time you see the politicians including the useless City Council is when there are plenty of cameras! Other than that, try calling these people if you need help…Good Luck!!!!

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